Jenny in Kent

I like collecting all things Doctor Who related.  Especially Props/Costumes, Artwork and Autographs.

Doctor Who Items Wanted

Original Props and Costumes

Original DWM comic Artwork

Postcards from 2005 -2015

You can view, more of my collection from my YouTube Channel. WhoWars2013 

Jenny can be contacted by Email Jenny

Enjoy this small sample of
Jenny's Collection

Click on the sections below to see more
Props Merchandise Artwork

An Unearthly Child - signed VIDEO cover
An Unearthly Child - signed VIDEO cover
An Unearthly Child - signed DVD cover
An Unearthly Child - signed INSERT sleeve
The Daleks - signed VIDEO cover
The Daleks - signed DVD cover
The Edge of Destruction - signed VIDEO cover.
The Edge of Destrucion/Marco Polo - signed DVD cover
The Keys of Marinus - signed VIDEO cover
The Keys of Marinus - signed DVD cover
The Keys of Marinus - signed INSERT sleeve
The Aztecs - signed DVD cover
The Aztecs - signed INSERT sleeve
The Sensorites - signed VIDEO cover
The Sensorites - signed DVD cover
The Reign of Terror - signed VIDEO cover
The Reign of Terror - signed DVD cover
The Reign of Terror - signed INSERT sleeve
Planet of Giants - signed VIDEO cover
Planet of Giants - signed DVD cover
The Dalek Invasion of Earth - signed VIDEO Cover
The Dalek Invasion of Earth - signed VIDEO Cover
The Dalek Invasion of Earth - signed DVD Cover
The Rescue - signed DVD cover
The Romans - signed DVD cover
The Web Planet - signed DVD cover
The Web Planet - signed INSERT sleeve
The Crusade and The Space Museum - signed VIDEO cover
The Space Museum - signed DVD Cover
The Chase - signed DVD Cover
The Time Meddler - signed DVD cover
The Ark - signed VIDEO cover
The Ark - signed DVD cover
The Ark - signed INSERT sleeve
The Gunfighters - signed VIDEO cover
The Gunfighters - signed DVD cover
The Gunfighters - signed INSERT sleeve
The War Machines - signed VIDEO cover
The War Machines - signed VIDEO cover
The War Machines - signed DVD cover
The Tenth Planet - signed VIDEO cover
The Tenth Planet - signed DVD cover
Daleks - The Early Years - signed VIDEO Cover
Cybermen - The Early Years - signed VIDEO Cover
The Underwater Menace - signed DVD cover
The Moonbase - signed DVD cover
The Tomb of the Cybermen - signed DVD cover
The Ice Warriors - signed DVD cover
The Enemy of the World - signed DVD cover
The Web of Fear - signed DVD cover
The Mind Robber - signed VIDEO cover
The Mind Robber - signed DVD cover
The Mind Robber - signed INSERT sleeve
The Invasion - signed VIDEO cover
The Invasion - signed DVD cover
The Krotons - signed DVD cover
Seeds of Death - signed DVD cover
The War Games - signed DVD cover
The War Games - signed INSERT sleeve
Spearhead from Space - signed DVD cover
Doctor Who and The Silurians - signed DVD cover
The Ambassadors of Death - signed DVD cover
Inferno - signed DVD cover
Terror of the Autons - signed VIDEO cover
Terror of the Autons - signed DVD cover
The Mind of Evil - signed DVD cover
The Mind of Evil - signed INSERT sleeve
The Claws of Axos - signed DVD cover
The Daemons - signed DVD cover
The Curse of Peladon - signed DVD cover
The Sea Devils - signed DVD cover
The Time Monster - signed DVD cover
The Three Doctors - signed DVD cover
The Carnival of Monsters - signed DVD cover
Frontier in Space - signed DVD cover
Planet of the Daleks - signed VIDEO cover
Planet of the Daleks - signed DVD cover
Planet of the Daleks - signed INSERT sleeve
The Green Death - signed DVD Cover
The Green Death - signed INSERT sleeve
The Time Warrior - signed DVD cover
The Time Warrior - signed INSERT sleeve
Invasion of the Dinosaurs - signed VIDEO Cover
Death to the Daleks - signed VIDEO Cover
The Monster of Peladon - signed DVD cover
The Monster of Peladon - signed INSERT sleeve
Planet of Spiders - signed VIDEO cover
Planet of Spiders - signed DVD cover
Robot - signed VIDEO cover
Robot - signed DVD cover
Robot - signed DVD insert cover
The Ark in Space - signed VIDEO cover
The Ark in Space - signed DVD cover
The Sontaran Experiment - signed DVD cover
The Sontaran Experiment - signed INSERT sleeve
Genesis of the Daleks - signed DVD cover
Revenge of the Cybermen - signed DVD cover
The Android Invasion - signed VIDEO cover
The Android Invasion - signed DVD cover
The Android Invasion - signed INSERT sleeve
The Brain of Morbius - signed DVD cover
The Hand of Fear - signed DVD cover
The Deadly Assassin - signed DVD cover
The Deadly Assassin - signed INSERT sleeve
The Face of Evil - signed DVD cover
The Face of Evil - signed INSERT sleeve
The Robots of Death - signed DVD cover
The Robots of Death - signed INSERT sleeve
Horror of Fang Rock - signed DVD cover
The Invisible Enemy - signed VIDEO
Image of the Fendahl - signed DVD cover
The Image of the Fendahl - signed INSERT sleeve
The Invasion of Time - signed DVD cover
The Pirate Planet - signed VIDEO cover
The Pirate Planet - signed DVD cover
The Androids of Tara - signed DVD cover
The Power of Kroll - signed DVD cover
Destiny of the Daleks - signed DVD cover
Destiny of the Daleks - signed INSERT sleeve
City of Death - signed DVD cover
The Creature from the Pit - signed DVD cover
The Horns of Nimon - signed VIDEO cover
The Horns of Nimon - signed DVD cover
Shada - signed DVD cover
Full Circle - signed DVD cover
Full Circle - signed INSERT sleeve
State of Decay - signed DVD cover
State of Decay - signed INSERT sleeve
Warriors Gate - signed DVD cover
Warriors Gate - signed INSERT sleeve
The Keeper of Traken - signed DVD cover
The Keeper of Traken - signed INSERT sleeve
Logopolis - signed DVD cover
Castrovalva - signed DVD cover
Four to Doomsday - Signed DVD Cover
Kinda - Signed DVD Cover
Black Orchid - signed DVD cover
Arc of Infinity - signed DVD cover
Snakedance - signed DVD cover
Snakedance - signed INSERT sleeve
Mawdryn Undead - signed DVD cover
Mawdryn Undead - signed INSERT sleeve
Enlightenment - signed DVD Cover
The Kings Demons - signed DVD cover
The Five Doctors - signed DVD cover
Warriors of the Deep - signed DVD cover
Planet of Fire - signed DVD cover
The Caves of Androzani - signed VIDEO cover
The Caves of Androzani - signed DVD cover
The Caves of Androzani - signed INSERT sleeve
Attack of the Cybermen - signed DVD cover
Timelash - signed DVD cover
Revelation of the Daleks - signed DVD cover
Revelation of the Daleks - signed INSERT sleeve
Mindwarp - signed DVD cover
Paradise Towers - signed DVD cover
Delta and the Bannermen - signed VIDEO cover
Dragonfire - signed DVD cover
Remembrance of the Daleks (Special Edition) signed DVD cover
Silver Nemesis - signed VIDEO cover
Silver Nemesis - signed DVD cover
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy - signed DVD cover
Battlefield - signed VIDEO cover
Battlefield - signed DVD cover
Battlefield - signed INSERT sleeve
Ghost Light - signed DVD cover
The Curse of Fenric - signed DVD cover
The Curse of Fenric - signed INSERT sleeve
Survival - signed DVD cover
Series 1: Volume 4 - signed DVD cover
Series 2: Volume 1 - signed DVD cover
Series 2: Volume 4 - signed DVD cover
Series 2: Volume 5 - signed DVD cover
Series 3: Volume 1 - signed DVD cover
Series 4: Volume 4 - signed DVD cover
Planet of the Dead - signed DVD cover
The End of Time - signed DVD cover
Series 5: Volume 2 - signed DVD cover
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe - signed DVD cover
Series 6: Part 2B - signed DVD cover
Series 7: Part 1A - signed DVD cover
The Time of the Doctor - signed DVD cover

Jenny can be contacted by Email Jenny
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Jenny in Kent and may not be used or reproduced in any way without her explicit written consent.

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